Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry

An American soldier in his early twenties is shot down in Germany during World War II and subject to experiments that extend his lifespan and give him superhuman healing abilities. No, I'm not talking about Captain America in any of his comic or adaption forms, but Roger Greene, one of the protagonists of The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry.
While my tastes generally run to sci-fi or fantasy, the basic premise of this book sounded interesting enough that I requested it through Kregel Press in exchange for an honest review.
It was exactly what I expected.
That might not be a good thing. I requested the book because it reminded me of Captain America, but when I set it down, I couldn't think of anything distinctive about it.
The people who kept Greene imprisoned hid the truth about the war from him, making him think the war was still going on, that Germany had the upper hand. When he escapes, he is surprised at the modern world, but not as surprised as he should have been. By the end of the book, Greene seems quite comfortable in modern society. Honestly, I found that the least believable part of the whole story.
Another part I didn't believe was the heroine's unwitting involvement in a Neo-Nazi organization.  Granted, her guardian hid the truth behind several bright cliches, but if 'training' involves tracking someone around the city with water pistols, most people would become suspicious.
I'd rate this book 2/5.

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