Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Unlikely Rebel by Kelli Gotthardt

Christian rebels don't always smoke cigars or wear low-cut blouses.  They don't have to march in liberal parades or even die their hair blue. Sometimes they hide in plain sight. Kelli Gotthardt's book Unlikely Rebel: A Church Girl's Journey out of Shoulds and Shame focuses on the hidden chains of being a 'good girl.'
I initially requested this book to read for myself, but ended passing it on to my mom. Both of us found the book fascinating. It's both memoir and a book of spiritual insight.  
"I did not set out to be a rebel" the author states in the prelude. "My goal was to follow Jesus more faithfully."  Her rebellion did not start with stereotypical 'bad girl' behavior, but with a simple choice: for one year, she said no to any outside commitments.
To anyone who's been in the evangelical subculture, this choice is shocking.  The implicit assumption in many churches is that involvement directly correlates with maturity.  Over the past year, I've been a part of nursery, fellowship snacks, Awana, VBS, and the slideshow.  To a certain extent,  it doesn't matter if I really want to do, or even how good I am at doing it. There's a peg-hole, and I must fill it.
This book does an excellent job of considering the personal consequences of busyness on the Christian life and I would highly recommend it.  

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