Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Commuter to Reality: Conclusion

Reflect on the class and what has been helpful or meaningful to you.
I glare at the sheet of paper, blaming it for the past four months of headaches, screams, tantrums and tears. Two different classes, true, but the frusteration level was exactly the same.  What have I learned from this class?
  • Concrete details are important.
  • Consider your audience.
  • Some people don't think fantasy is real literature.
  • Some people only wantyou to practice writing 'real literature.'
  • This professor cannot be pleased.
The last one summerizes it all, really. How else can I explain her notes of 'too many adjectives" on the first page and a conclusion that I did not have enough detail? Peer critiques were no help; she thinks I added too much thought and turned it into an essay on the spiritual state of the English church, while the peer critiques said it was too much of a travel narrative.  I have one week from tomorrow to finish edits on this and my poems from earlier in the class.
I want to bang my head against the desk until I have a concusion, but she wouldn't give me an extension on that account. I glance at the paper again. What I really want to to do is scrawl a big fat "NOTHING"  across the paper, or print it in 72-pt Hobbiton font and hand it in, but she wants 350 words minimum for 10 pts, and my perfectionist nature won't let  me squander the grade on revenge. Plus, I have her next fall. Can't burn my bridges just yet.
"Rule 1: The Doctor Lies."
 So do I. All the time. Have to. Spoilers"
--Amy and River, "The Wedding of River Song"
I feel like I've been lying to her the whole time. Lying that I liked this poem or that essay, that I agreed with this theory of writing or didn't really mind the assignment. Lying by omission, if nothing else. She talked about vulnerability yesterday, about being adventurious and unafraid before that, and I scrawled in my notebook,Of course you can say that, you aren't the one getting graded! You aren't the one who spends hours on a short story she doesn't even like and gets told it was lame! (even when it is lame. Let me use my ideas, then it won't be lame.)  If you want me to write about my world, acknowlege that it largely takes place in my head. And stop calling us apprentice writers! People act like they are treated. It's a self-fufilling prophecy that will we never be anything more than apprentices.
On Tumblr yesterday, I saw this quote:

Assignment A: "Write 1 page paper on this really interesting subject that you know lots about."
  • Me: *writes 5 page paper*
  • Assignment B: "Write 10 page essay on this really super boring subject that no one cares about."
  • Me: *writes two paragraphs before beating head violently against desk*

  • Exactly. This blog post is probably already close to the word count--(checks)--500 words. Five hundred words about how I don't want to write a 350 word refllection. Reflection is a funny-looking word, too, but I digress. And it's May 1st today...no, no more digressions. So, what should I do about this? I have roughly 25 hours to finish this assignment, which must also include sleeping, eating, and two more classes. Drats.


    1. LOL. I'm so glad to be done with school. =) I'll agree on one account, adjective don't make for great details, but fantasy is (like it or not) a thriving industry. These literary types just need to suck it up and accept that. Good luck with your assignment!

      1. Thanks. Out of curiousity, how did you find my blog?

    2. Vent it like a boss and DFTBA.

    3. I feel your pain :D I think you've convinced me that I don't want to take creative writing courses in college if I ever go.
      When I was younger I would go through this book (can't remember the name) and I'd have to write these really boring things from really boring prompts. Utter boredom. I wanted to be writing... well, what I wanted to write!

      1. Not all my classes are this bad. I absolutely loved my poetry classes, but A. that was with a different professor. B. I have no experiance with poetry, so I didn't have anything to disagree with the professor about. C. We had starting prompts and then worked from there, with freedom to remove the starting elements if needed. It really depends on the teacher.
